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Fresh: Mini Mask Set

After ticking Fresh Beauty off of my Beauty Wishlist last year, I have loved the brand ever since. I first tried the brand in February last year when I purchased a couple of products from the brand in Harrods and since then I have tried a few more and everything I have tried, I have liked. 

It became a normality that whenever I was in London, I would always visit a Fresh counter to purchase items from the brand but more recently Space NK has been added to the Fresh stockist list and recently a Space NK opened up near me, not that I have been able to make the most of it thanks to the lockdown. 

This Space NK opening has completely changed my world and means that Fresh is now more accessible for me. At Christmas, they launched a couple of gifts sets and I decided to buy one for myself. I had a £5 voucher on my N.Dulge card which I decided to spend on a mini Fresh set of 3 products I had never tried. This small set seemed like the perfect opportunity to try a couple of products, without being too committed.

Sugar Face Polish

The 3 products that were in this set essentially created a full mask routine and the first product I would use in this routine would be the scrub. Funnily enough, the only product I wasn't 100% sure on when I purchased the set was the Sugar Face Polish. I am not a massive scrub fan, especially physical scrubs as they can create microscopic tears in your skin, ultimately doing more damage than good. If I use a scrub, I will typically use a sugar scrub as you can adjust how harsh the scrub is by using water.

Before using this scrub, I will cleanse my face and not completely dry it so that the water mixes with this scrub to make it slightly more gentle. This scrub has quite a lot of sugar particles in it and not a lot of gel which means it can be quite harsh if you do not mix it with water. This scrub is a mix of brown sugar and strawberry seeds which help to buff your skin. I have to say I do not really see the strawberry seeds in the product so I don't know if they have been ground up but they mention it on the packaging.

I have always been reluctant to use scrubs because they can be quite harsh but this one is actually lovely. It really gently buffs the skin and removes dead skin cells; bringing out your fresh skin and bringing forth a radiance. Not only does it bring out your new skin cells but also by removing the dead skin cells, it allows your skincare to work better as it is not wasted on dead skin. I have found that the morning after I have used this scrub in the evening, my skincare seems to have worked so much better.

Not only does my skin feel good the next morning but also just after I have scrubbed my skin, it feels really soft and not dry at all. I always feel as though my skin feels dry after I have used some scrubs and quite often they can feel quite stripped but the sugar helps to moisturise your skin by sealing in the moisture.

I expected this to smell like strawberry as it has strawberry seeds in it but it doesn't it smells like a citrusy honeyed blackcurrant and it is honestly divine. I love the smell of this product and I am actually quite surprised by how much I have used this scrub but the results have kept me going back. I have also got the Sugar Strawberry Exfoliating Face Wash which smells the same but it is more of a gel and has less sugar in it. I do not feel that the results from the two products are the same. I would say the Face Wash is the more gentle version of the Sugar Face Polish. If you want a full comparison on the two products, let me know and I will do it but for now that is where I am leaving it. 

Umbrian Clay

Following the scrub, I then use the Umbrian Clay mask. My favourite type of mask is a clay mask as I do suffer with quite oily skin in my T-Zone and I am blemish prone. A clay mask helps to remove excess oils and sebum which is a cause of spots. I always hope that using a clay mask is going to work miracles and I expect to wake up the next morning to clear skin but that never happens. However, the Fresh Umbrian Clay Mask does work wonders on my skin.

I have now used two of these mini pots of the Umbrian Clay mask and honestly it is love, for me this is the ultimate clay mask. This clay mask is very light and can be applied quite lightly on your skin so it doesn't feel thick and heavy which is why I quite often do not like clay masks. As you apply such a thin layer of this mask, it dries really quickly. A normal clay mask takes around 15 minutes to dry whereas this one is completely dry in 3-5 minutes which is perfect for me as I cannot be arsed to sit around waiting for a clay mask to dry.

I do typically use this as a face mask when I want a treat and I feel like my skin needs a bit of an oil re-balance. However you can also use this as a spot treatment and apparently as a face wash. I'm not sure about how you would use this as a face wash as I do think this is too thick for that but I guess it would work. I have used clay masks which have left my skin feeling quite tight but this is not one of those masks. One thing is this does make you look like stig of the dump, it looks like a mouldy mud which has been freshly picked out of the ground but I quite like that. I don't care what my mask looks like on my face as long as it works.

This really does clean out my skin and certainly helps when my skin needs a bit of a re-balance. I adore this mask and I would pay £20 for the 30ml bottle so I could use it as a treat. I would not pay £49 for the full size as I don't think I would use it that frequently. The other clay mask I love is the Glamglow Supermud but I think I prefer this one from Fresh as it is slightly more gentle on my skin. 

One thing to note is that having had this open for a few weeks, my one criticism is that it dries out very quickly, to the point where you literally cannot use it because it has become a mud rock. It is so disappointing as this is a really good mask when it is fresh but it doesn't last that long and considering this is quite expensive, I would expect better. Perhaps the full size has a better seal to keep the product fresh for longer but I am reluctant to find out as I do not want it to be a waste of money. 

Rose Face Mask

After a good clay mask takes all of the crap out of my skin, I like to make sure my skin is fully hydrated afterwards. I feel like no matter what a clay mask is going to dry your skin slightly as you are always taking something away. Also if I have started the whole mask routine with a scrub, I know I have a lot of fresh skin cells that I want to look after so I use a hydrating mask after all of this to rehydrate. This could be a sheet mask or some form of hydrating mask. The mask in this set was a mini of the Rose Face Mask.

My skin completely loves Rose in skincare products; my skin seems to love the hydration that comes from Rose products. I think this was the final Rose product from the Fresh line up that I needed to try as I have used all of the other Rose products they have (or had, they recently launched a few more,) and loved them all (except the Rose Toner). When I saw the Rose mask was part of the set, it was actually what prompted me to take it to the till as I really wanted to try it.

The first thing you notice as soon as you open this mask is the sweet rose smell that all of the Fresh Rose products have. It is a very sweet rose rather than a more traditional rose scent, I like this type of Rose scent but I can imagine it would be a bit overwhelming for some people as the scent is quite potent. The other thing you notice is this has rose petals in it. I like this but it is a bit weird seeing a jellied petal on your face as you apply the mask. I always use a makeup brush to apply my masks and a hydrating gel mask is no different to clay mask in my eyes so I use a brush for these as well even though you could still get a pretty even spread with your hands.

This mask is a gel mask so as you apply it, it instantly cools your skin which is a lovely feeling when you have just used a clay mask. Rose is a soothing ingredient anyway but this gel also contains cucumber and aloe-vera which takes it to the ultimate level of calming whilst boosting hydration. I leave this mask on for around 15 minutes and after that time my skin has typically drank it all up but I do still wash off any petals and any residue.

I really enjoy this mask and I would definitely buy it, I just love the feeling of this mask and I think it will be perfect for Summer but once again I would not buy the 100ml as it is £52, I would go for the 30ml which is £21 as realistically I am more likely to finish that. I swap and change products a lot so buying a massive product does not make sense for me.

All of these products are lovely and do make a difference to your skin; you certainly see results after using them and they all feel very gentle. Would they work for someone over 50, probably not as well as they would for someone half that age. These are incredibly gentle and they are not going to make massive changes to your skin but they are lovely products and they have maintained my love for the brand. None of these products disappointed me and in fact I would say they have exceeded my expectations.

Do you need to buy them because they are going to change your skin? No. If you have the money and you want a treat for your skin, then yes these could be a good option. I think the scrub is great as it is a sugar scrub rather than being something incredibly harsh and it has helped the skincare I have used after it to work better. A clay mask is always a good one to have for pesky breakouts and a hydrating mask is the perfect counterbalance for your skin. This set from Fresh contained the perfect masks to go with each other out of their line up. 

More recently Fresh have launched another mini mask set but this time it contains 5 different masks and the Sugar Face Polish. All of the three products I have spoken about are in this new set alongside 3 other products and a cute little pouch. It is £49 so it is considered purchase but if you want to try all of the Fresh masks, it is a good way of doing it. 

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