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Review: Lush Charlotte Island

I've been to Lush last week. I don't usually go there even though I have one near me when I'm in Ljubljana. So I finally bought H'Suan Wen Hua hair treatment which I'll review in the next days and Charlotte Island (that perfume bottle is from Refan and it's D&G Light Blue).

Charlotte Island is a wash-off tan, a sort of instant tan but without the annoying self-tanning scent. It a relatively thick, chocolate brown cream with some red tones. The application is very easy and even, of course providing you have a relatively smooth skin (it applies uneven on parts with body hair). On the skin the colour is bronze with some red undertones, which in some lights can make you look a bit sunburned (however my cousin and mom say it looks fine and that I'm overreacting), it also contains a tinny bit of shimmer. With one application you get a faint but noticeable tan and you can layer it. It dries fast and it doesn't stain the clothes. There are two things that really bother me. First it's the bottle. I hate Lush bottles. The plastic is way to hard so the bottle is ridiculously hard to squeeze. Second it's the scent. The sales woman said it smells of chocolate and some reviewers on MUA said it has a tropical scent. Well I don't smell anything tropical. It kind of smells like old chocolate, I would describe it as a scent of an old stuffy room, sort of musky. It's very strong  and it lingers for hours. I just really dislike it. I like the idea of the wash-off tan, this is one of the rare ones (if not the only one) available in Slovenia, but I really doubt I'll repurchase it. A 100 ml bottle costs around 8€ here, there is also 250 ml bottle available.

Edit: It definitely makes me look sunburned. The colour is just to red. I applied it all over my legs and the first comment I got from my mom was why do my legs look so red and that they look sunburned. If you're really pale don't buy it.

Charlotte Island je obarvana krema za telo, ki da efekt takojšnje zagorelosti in se preprosto spere. Gre za še kar gosto kremo čokoladne barve z nekaj rdečimi toni. Nanos je enostaven in enakomeren, seveda če imaš relativno gladko kožo (namreč še kar neenakomerno se na nanaša na nedepiliranih predelih). Nanešena na kožo izgleda kot lep zagorel ten ampak z nekaj rdečimi toni, ki v določenih svetlobah lahko izgleda kot rahla opečenost (čeprav moja sestrična in mami pravita da izgleda čisto v redu in da pretiravam). Ima tudi nekaj res drobnih in redkih bleščič. Z enim nanosom dobiš rahlo ampak dovolj opazno barvo. Na koži se hitro posuši in se ne prenese na oblačila. Dve stvari me zelo motijo. Prvo je embalaža. Vse Lusheve flaške so narejene iz pretrde plastike, ki jo je skoraj nemogoče stisniti. Drugo pa je vonj. Prodajalka je rekla da diši po čokoladi, na MUA pa ga nekateri opisujejo kot tropski vonj. Jaz ne voham ničesar tropskega. Mogoče malo diši po stari čokoladi ampak jaz bi vonj opisala kot vonj po stari, zatohli sobi, pač enostavno zoprn. Vonj se obdrži zelo dolgo in je precej močan. Všeč mi je ideja instantne zagorelosti ampak dvomim, da bom tole še kdaj kupila, kljub temu da je eden izmed redkih (če ne celo edini) wash-off tan. 100 ml flaška stane okrog 8€, dobi se še v 250 ml izvedbi.

Edit: Definitivno da opečen videz. Enostavno je barva preveč rdeča. Nanesla sem jo po nogah in prvi komentar, ki sem ga dobila od mami je bil zakaj so moje noge tako rdeče in če me je opeklo sonce. Če ste zelo svetli je ne kupujte.

Taken in sunlight:

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