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Dark Shadows Episode 501 - 5/27/68

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Adam throttles Barnabas while Julia tries to convince him that he really loves him. Adam lets go of him and runs outside, dropping Barnabas to the  ground. Julia tries to revive Barnabas, and he slowly gets up into a chair. He says they must go after him, and she says he'll be killed and that will be the end of it. She says Adam has tried to kill her, Willie, and now Barnabas. He says that each time, Adam had a reason. He grabs a rifle and goes to find him. Julia grabs a flashlight and follows him.

Adam cries in the woods, with thunder and lightning crashing. He calls Barnabas' name.

Julia finds Barnabas searching for Adam. Julia urges him to let Adam disappear.

Adam hears Julia and Barnabas approaching. He hides from them.

Barnabas tells her to go back to the house. He says he must kill Adam.

Adam hears this, and begins chanting, "kill."

Adam follows Barnabas and Julia, clutching a stick, and saying, "kill," over and over again. Adam sees the new house in the distance.

Liz speaks to Tony on the phone, and Carolyn tells her she doesn't want to talk to him. She says to tell him she's busy.

Adam watches Liz and Carolyn through an open window.

Liz asks Carolyn what's wrong. She asks her mother how much she knows about Cassandra. Liz says if she knows something is going on, she wants to hear it. Carolyn explains that she saw Cassandra in the garden with Tony. Liz says she must have misunderstood things.

Adam stands outside the front door of Collinwood. He leans against the door and it swings open. Carolyn hears the door open, and thinking the wind opened it, she screams when she sees Adam. Liz comes out and recognizing him as the man from the woods, asks what he wants.

Adam tries to speak. He asks for music, and Liz tells Carolyn to turn on the radio. She does, and Adam doesn't like the song. He knocks the radio down and says, "not music!"

He then says. "if both live." Liz offers him food and he follows her. Carolyn runs to the window and Adam grabs her. Liz grabs a knife and just in time, Barnabas enters with a gun. He warns Adam to let her go or he'll kill him. Adam drags Carolyn outside, and Barnabas follows them.

Back at Collinwood, Julia calls the police for Liz. She tells them a stranger abducted Carolyn, and asked them to send several men. Liz says the man was so strong, and when Julia reminds her that Barnabas has a gun, she asks why. She suggests that they were hunting him. Julia tries to fabricate a story about hearing a noise outside the old house, and Barnabas grabbing his gun.

Carolyn screams for help, and eventually faints. Adam picks her body up and carries her away.

Our thoughts

John: It seemed pretty obvious that Adam was going to recite Lang's recording to Barnabas before he gets shot. Maybe tomorrow.

Christine: The music that Adam claims is not music is the theme from Un homme et une femme (A Man and a Woman). I know it's been used before on the show because I've looked it up before, but now I don't remember when. I think I have to agree with Adam about the music. Not music.

John: Julia tried to do some pretty fast talking to explain why Barnabas had a gun, and I don't think Liz bought her story.

Christine: The blue screen is back and Julia is looking freaky! It doesn't really seem like she is close enough to hear Carolyn screaming.

John: Is it just me, or isn't it somewhat imperative to find out what's up with blind Sam Evans, appropriately aged Cassandrelique, or even sleep deprived Willie, for that matter, who should have had the dream by now!

Christine: If only those actors didn't have the day off, we may have found that out today. Let's hope they're back on the roster for tomorrow's episode. I wonder when Willie had time to teach Adam the creepy moves he puts on girls. Adam's groping of Carolyn would make Willie proud. Or jealous.

Dark Shadows Before I Die Round Robin Nightmare tracker:
  1. Wide-eyed skull
  2. Guillotine
  3. Lang's Headless creation
  4. Skeletal bride 
  5. Educational Bat-footage
  6. Giant spider-web

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