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Ni Hao Beijing

Visiting China has been on my bucket list for years and I can´t believe that I´m finally here. I arrived at Beijing’s International Airport at 3:30pm. I remember what I culture chock I experienced in Seoul, but arriving in Beijing was something else. The airport was packed and the lines were endless. But I managed to get myself out of the airport easily and transferred to the airport express.

When I finally arrived at Qianmei Station I started walked around searching for my hostel, which wasn't that easy to find. With no map and only relying on approximately 20 locals who I asked help for directions I finally found it. At my hostel I could finally realise that my vacation has officially started. I checked in at Three Legged Frog-hostel, which will be my home for the next five nights.

My first evening was spent walking around Qianmei Residential District. There was a street called Dashilan Shopping Street, where you could find everything from souvenirs to delicious streetfood. Before heading home I stopped at a tiny restaurant for a quick meal, beef noodle soup (18yuan or 2,5€). Since they had an englsish menu, I assume that I paid a bit more than the locals. Back at the dorm I got to know my roommates, a couple from Scotland, who are travelling the world. They even visited Finland, and they are using any transportation method expect airplane, which is amazing! I wish I could do something like that, and I probably will when I have more time.  

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