So there I was this morning ponderiing the infinite rich tapestry of life... and I wondered why? Ithought to myself has wargaming become so samey?.By chance I was looking at a Warames Illustrated- no 101 to be precise of the 1990sand aside from the major point that the articles were not written by or for dyslexic 14year olds much of the rest was the same as now- only perhaps not quite so "in yer face mate" as some of the more strident twaddle that is now about us. What struck me were the similarities rather than the differences. Figues still Fat- or even fatter as there are more of them still the same often clumsy overly painted toys little or no delicay or finesse in the modelling process- that hasn't chaned indeed its now worse in the mainstream we now have the Figure Fascists - not to be honest that I care about 'em. If they want fat clumsy armies the same as everyone elses let 'em. I'll stick to stuff I like. I don't buy much new stuff these days- if I want something special I'm in the happy position of being able to get it made. Only with 40mm do I occaisionally fall and that usually with Drabant. As for getting stuff made one of my pattern makers has just sent me a box of assorted 15mm Modern weaponry- mostly rocket launchers and such for the backs of our pick up truck . See the recent contretemps in Lybiaand sundry african wars. Pick up trucks loaded down with various rocket rails and RCL guns AA cuns and other wossnames. All very fearsome- possibly even to the enemy. Now all I have to do is sort out how to package them- as this will tell me how the moulds are to be organised. However modern duded look out for a bundle of assorted additions to the Modern ranges in 15mm finsally a good selection of "technicals" are in the wind.
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